
67 Audio Reviews

36 w/ Responses

Fair attempt, poor execution.

FL sucks anyway, dude. I'm pretty much done with using it myself. Few people can make anything good from FL. Looking into different apps myself. I don't plan on putting anything else out myself until I have it as perfect as I want it as possible.

SqueezyLemon responds:

this is probably the only song ill ever make with it.

A bit heavier on the trance than drum n' bass...

More like drum and a little bass. The pulsing bass sound is there but technically that isn't really bass. It's alright. Keep working on your music. I need to work on mine more too. It's not easy with a computer program.

zenodio responds:

Which speakers do you have?
Also DnB doesn't need a shitload of bass, also, i got the pulsing bass which isn't really a bass, i also got a sub-bass, which you obviously can't hear since you say it doesn't have any bass.

I can hear it clearly, if you have small speakers and play the sub-bass, you can't hear it since it's a sine-bass.

But thanks for the 7 anyways.

Also, i'll check the FLP to see if it really needs more bass :)

Shit was kind of funny..../:-) and annoying....

Production of sound is there but it's definitely not my preference of music. Can't stand pop music and could only wish Lady Gaga would die a horrible quick death. Sounds like all the same music you hear on Z100 and other pop stations. Not that I listen to those stations, intentionally. But hey, you tried and did it your way. It's too cheesy for me to be honest. Got on my nerves halfway through the song. Not bad for an amateur overall, if poppy sounds are your thing.


thanks for listening
but i mean i was hoping you would judge this as a pop song and not just rate it low cause you don't like pop music
i know its corny as hell lol
and the first words it says in my comments are "gay pop song" lol
so i mean i wasn't lying
but yeah that z107.7 sound was exactly wat i was going for so i'm super happy to hear that
i hope you check some of my other stuff too

You're good, dude

Definitely have talent if that's you actually playing the keys. You should make music for Square Enix or some other company specializing in RPGs. That's the feel I'm getting. A relaxing scene in an epic RPG. It does wonders for the imagination too!

Not too bad since FL studio is hard to work with.

Might make a good ringtone. That movie was ridiculously bad. Now we have ridiculously bad movies like 2012 for 2009 but with a lot more money used in production and special effects! :-| FL studio is a bitch to work with. I know I put a few hours into it the other day. You might want to try Acoustica or something easier with just as many options. Don't let negative reviews get you down too much. There are some good songs out there as well not getting enough notice. Too bad even the people that make the good tracks don't ever get compensated for it. Having someone use their tracks in a flash video or game is like winning the lottery! Take care.

It's got an epic RPG feel to it. Perhaps.....

a bit like Final Fantasy sort of? I'm feeling that. Nobuo was and still is the master of video game music. Unless he influenced you to make music it certainly reminds me. I can only nitpick slightly at the end and felt that it needed punctuation on the piano. Just needed that one last note! Good classical sound.

Sounds sort of something like a cyberpunk sci-fi.

Really the vocals in this wasn't at all necessary. It doesn't make the music sound cooler when someone is saying "fucking" this or that. Not quite perfect and I think a remix and variation of this song would be well in order. More sounds, variations of rhythms to make it more interesting would be good. Solid overall. Sounds like it would be of something in a side scrolling and top-down HD 2D/3D shooter type of game.

DomesticTerrorist responds:

Well... I like zombies man... this is a zombie song... RAHHHH BRRAINNNZZZ


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