
67 Audio Reviews

36 w/ Responses

You need a bit more practice but may have potential. Rerecord it and work on it more. Use a direct plug-in to PC for the guitar, vocals, drums, etc. it will sound better. Either that or get some kind of inexpensive studio track board. Punks not dead, but it could be in need of a defibrillator.

It's definitely different I'll give it that. It's not that bad actually and think it could grow on me after a couple of listens. 4.5 for originality. -0.5 for the low quality voice. Turn the sound up on the vocals and it will be better. Whatever you got planned next, I'm listening.

bluebooblue responds:

Thank you so much for your review and advice!
I wish I could turn the volume up, but when I do, the sound is "too bright" and it's kind of annoying to listen to D; I'd have to re-record the voices with a better set, I recorded these voices with the mics in gate really high and though it wouldn't affect much, but it really fucked up u.u

Thank you and yes! we'd be happy to be listened!

The music is okay. The vocals need work though. It doesn't come across clear at all. Turn the mic up more and put some bass in it. Could use a complete rework but since I'm a hardcore fan and there really isn't much of that on NG, you get 4 stars.

I wouldn't shortchange yourself. You sound like you play solid rhythm on guitar. Although not quite as good as me, no offense. I didn't post anything on here yet but might if I can dig up the recording I did a several years ago. Good stuff anyway even if not complete. Maybe you can work it into something bigger in the future. Don't stop practicing and keep punk alive. Punks not dead!

MyApologies responds:

When I started learning guitar all I played was punk. PUNK FOR LIFE!!!
Thanks for the feed back!

Thanks for killing my memories of Castlevania! Instrumental I will download indeed and full version.

Få inn noen bass, dude! Det bør være all boom boom boom boom og sånt. Jeg liker det selv. Fortsette arbeidet med den.

Not too bad actually. Newgrounds needs more punk. Keep punk alive!

SmithBA responds:

I agree, keep punk alive! Glad you like it.

Wow. Sounds like you've been practicing. Although I'm more into hardcore punk, you got my nod of approval. Keep up the good work!

BERSERKYD responds:

Sweet tits !! |m/,

Newgrounds needs more good punk.

Sounds great! Don't stop making music and keep honing your craft. Get yourself an indie label deal and work from there. Keep on rockin'!

Dimoria responds:

We won't stop. And we are going to try to find some more work.


Joined on 10/13/08

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