
67 Audio Reviews

36 w/ Responses

You must be a genius with FL Studio.

99 out of 100 things I try to make turns out sounding like crap. I agree with what others said about the drums. They need to sound louder with more treble I think. Maybe some snare would sound perfect for this song. Great work regardless!

White rap that's whack.

Sorry but that's a fact. You need to get your rhymes right before you can rhyme tight. Maybe get up in the limelight. But for now it sounds like shite.

cowdog2 responds:

have you heard of alliterations? words that sound like other words is another style of rhyming. your fucking retarded lol.

It's okay but missing something....

Needs drums and another guitar to fill a solo in. Without this, the music just seems to lie flat and sound a bit generic. Keep practicing though!

IRockThs responds:

yeah completly forgot the drums... I got it up and then I realized it. Maybe later I'll redo it...

You guys sure sound good!

It reminds me when life was simpler back in the 80s or 70s. That's the kind of sound I'm feeling from this song. Wish there were more bands out there like you guys. Excuse me for asking but... what is the name of your band?

zac11114 responds:

Im still shocked to see how many of you people actually like my song! thanks im glad your digging the sound. and no problem, i very UNintelligently never state it. Right now it's in spades, but we just got signed (not allowed to say the label yet) but i guess there are a ton of bands with that handle. So we're working out a new name!

Megaman rocks, man!

Love this track. What program you use to remix this? The driving bass beat really sends this song home. I gave you a 5 by the way. Well deserved.

Feliksbalzer responds:

I used FL Studio, imo the best program to use when it comes to music.
Thanks for the awesome score!

Needs more percussion in it!

But I'm still feeling the beat. Not too bad, I guess it sounds authentic and original. Keep up the good work!

Twinsabreinferno responds:

Thanks, i appreciate the advise. Im working on a new version, and ill be sure to incorporate that.

Just wished it was more punk and a little less....

metal. Otherwise what I'm hearing is technically hardcore enough. Gave it a 9 for the guitar itself.

Sounds like there is a lot of great atmosphere....

in this track. Where can I hear the full version? I'd go so far as to pay 50 cents or 99 cents for this quality song. Not too many songs I'd find worth buying but you have some major potential, not to sound like I'm ass kissing, just saying. Definitely feel like you gave this music life. What's next?

DJ-Qwamii responds:

A lot of reverbs and sweeps done here to create such atmosphere. The full version isn't available anywhere, yet. I'm not sure I will be uploading it though.

Thanks you for the kind compliment.

Reminds me of Sega Genesis's Phantasy Star II

I'm feeling this. Something like an epic battle against Mother Brain but not exactly. How can I put this: if the best musicians from Square/Enix put their brains together with the best at SEGA and made a collection of music as a tribute to 16 bit era this might be part of what would come out. Please keep creating more music like this. If you can, try to make it sound like there's a greater urgency to the song. This song makes me think of Chrono Trigger and Phantasy Star II. Two classic RPGs that had great music for it's time. Obviously better music on CT. Something held me back from giving this a 10. It's almost perfect, IMHO. Excellent!

Everlasting-Elements responds:

I appreciate you trying to be constructive.

Feels a bit like Prince of Persia and Donkey Kong.

.......Country. Both together. The jazzy piano at the end was a nice touch too. Adds some variation and progression overall. Keep it up with these tunes. As good as this was your next could be perfect. I agree with it needing maracas. Doesn't detract the quality really overall.


Joined on 10/13/08

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2.82 votes
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2m 7d